Monday, July 26, 2010

Crime Scene Investigator

I have learnt that people will do anything to get money, they might fake death so the other person involved will receive the life insurance which will be a lot of money. I sort of would like to study crime and criminals later in life because I find the subject really interesting and I like to analyse things which would help in a crime scene. My most interesting crime scene was when 2 people stole a dead body from where it was being held and burnt it then told the police where they had seen a burnt body. This was really surprising when they had done it and then they helped the police to locate it, they must have planned it from the start but in the end they got caught and went to jail for a long time.

By TJawesome

1 comment:

Aussieleigh said...

You have to wonder about the motivation for a crime like it just about feeling important or is it about wanting fame